Nirvana for Dummies!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kannada Rock(s)!!!

Sooper haadu!! Eee Bhoomi.
And a cool band. Swarathma.

On stepping out of Infinitea (yeah, thats a cool name for a tea shop), I reached for the wallet in my hind pocket to check if I picked up the credit card ( a practice which simply refuses to leave me). As I did so, I saw a beggar on the footpath looking at us. Involuntarily I pulled out a rupee coin for the poor chap. As we proceeded towards him, what gave me a jolt was that...HE DID NOT EVEN ASK FOR IT, and as if its not enough, HE TURNED AWAY. I wish somebody had taken a snap of my face at that point of time. I stood there like know what,my hand almost stretched to give him the money. One seeing this, Suresh started laughing his ass off.


I now wonder what all can a rupee buy the beggar. Definitely he looked like he smoked ( lets just assume yaar ). The rupee could buy him at least a couple of beedis. He just knocked off his opportunity. Or lets say, he already had his beedis, then definitely it could have bought him a match. Lo, he again knocked off his opportunity.

Forget the whole smoke thing. Anyways, but i still wonder what all a rupee can buy. And the fact that rupee is appreciating with respect to many of its peers in the global economy, I am all the more curious n it. Are you ? Have you wondered what all a rupee can buy ? No ? Start.

(i was intrigued by the website, so why not, hey why not buy this domain ?)
--- This was intended to be my closing lines, I checked out the domain and sure enoough, there exists a site with this domain name and of all the things its in HEBREW!!!! A website showcasing photo galleries of a trip to the sub continent. SURPRISE !